NEW Ultimate TH5 HYBRID/TROPHY[defense] Base 2020!! Town Hall 5 Hybrid Base Design – Clash of Clans
This is a Town Hall 5 (Th5) Trophy/Hybrid [defense] Base 2020 Design/Layout/Defence. It defends really well against a lot of different Attack Strategies at TH5 Including, GiWi (Giants & Wizards) and Mass Balloons as well. Don’t forget to Subscribe for more Clash of Clans Bases, Attack Strategies.
Copy Base From here:-
Music Used:-
The Reckoning by AERØHEAD
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
The Other Side by Lesion X
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Discovery by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Tag: clash of clans hall 5, coc th5 base, th5 base, th5 base 2020, best th5 base, new th5 base 2020, town hall 5 base, new town hall 5 base, best town hall 5 base, th5 base design 2020, town hall 5 base layout, best town hall 5 hyrbid base 2020, new town hall 5 hybrid base 2020, town hall 5, th5, th5 2020, town hall 5 hybrid base, town hall 5 hybrid base 2020, th5 hybrid base, th5 hybrid base 2020, town hall 5 trophy base 2020, th5 trophy base 2020, th5 farming base 2020, th5 trophy base
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Copy this base here:-
I can take three star on these base.
bro lol this base is insane
broo lol this base is insane
Literally never lost
Thanks bro
Do a base that has only two builder huts and its a th5
Thanks bro
He is very intelligent Excellent bro
Keep it up
U a legend this is awsome im just th5 and i got every detail
Very Nice Thank You, I would really like if you please add disadvantages of the base like you added base analysis – Your Fan
Which cc troops we put in cc at TH5 ??? plz reply
The problem is my opponents also watching this😶😶
Fabulous ..
For the walls around the storage why can’t the be used to fully cover one of the storage’s or give those walls to the cannon is the funneling a good thing? Is it purely because of those traps?
Wish i could really copy it…
Hello remember me i comented you yesterday my lil bro tested the base he got only 30%< And not even one star so good base (he got 5 timed atatcked)
Thanks dark barbarian now no one can get 3 stars on me just 0 stars they will now get and all my replays its says your defense won
Now THATS is bucket load of money just to get lvl 5 walls
Amazing! But where do i place my 5th builder hut
good job done
i dont have 5 builder huts i only have 3 what do I do lol
Im here cuz my lil br need a th5 base (im th 12 xD)
Thnks for idea…❤💚💜
Confirmed , this is the best base between all others for town hall 5
Why it is not…copying the base
But the archers can get to your elixir
+1 subscriber you change my life with your bases
Does not really matter I always get attake from th7
How to copy?!?🤬
thank you very much thanks to this I can win and keep on defending
Town hall 5 has 100 walls this one has 102 this is a fake i made it twice and I ended up two short
How do you copy the link
Pay respect for the last builder hut
Thanks for making the base now I am 10 times stronger
Thanks for making this video you are really a legend for this!!
I mean it’s good an all but it’s all funny games till a silver 1 pulls up with level four gaints
Dude this was so funny so after I did this I went to battle someone and he had a hybrid too and if you in the comments I lost to you I’m spidy but I tried and I failed so hard I think it was a guy in a clan named Gucci gang but it was so funny then I was like bro there’s no I just got done watching this vid and then seeing someone with this base😂😂
Very good …..
Most hardest worker and most insane knowledge
Your the best
Your the legend
Your the one